Translation Services 2025
Welcome to iiTranslation. We are dedicated to producing accurate translations of educational, legal, mining and medical documents, as well as a wide range of other materials. Our translations read naturally in South Africa's official languages: isiZulu, isiXhosa, Afrikaans, Sesotho sa Leboa (Sepedi), Setswana, Sesotho, Xitsonga, Siswati, Tshivenḓa and isiNdebele. Every translation is guaranteed to meet international technical standards.
See the quality of our translations in action! For nine out of ten of South Africans with home language expertise, simply click the translate button at the top right of the site and enjoy the read.
Since all our material is translated by experienced, first-language professional translators, you'll find our website completely accessible and informative in translation. You’ll also notice that the translated text is free of spelling or grammatical errors and perfectly mirrors the original copy.
Why Our Clients Choose Us
- While most translation companies offer services for all major world languages, we focus exclusively on South African languages.
- Many service providers rely on artificial intelligence and translation memory to reduce word counts, but our technology does one thing: it provides essential proofing and language support to expert human translators, ensuring your translation is on par with any English copy.
- We leave no South African language behind, and we always deliver on time.
Quality: Certified Expertise You Can Trust
When translating technical documents, we work exclusively with qualified, first-language translators who have relevant, subject-specific experience. Our minimum requirement is an academic qualification from an accredited South African university. Additionally, all our translators have at least 10 years of high-level professional experience. As a translation service provider, we are always happy to provide certificates detailing the qualifications and experience of our team.

MS Word spelling checks
Your translated documents undergo the same spelling and proofing checks as your English copy—something many other providers do not offer. We use MS Word’s built-in spelling checker to ensure there are no spelling errors in the translation. Our proofing dictionaries are tailored for contemporary language, and we take pride in delivering consistently accurate translations that mirror the original copy. We are happy to demonstrate this for any South African language.

We understand that delivering projects on time requires certainty that your translations will reach your team on (or before) the deadline. We’ve built our business on consistently meeting our clients' expectations and will never commit to a deadline that our translators cannot meet.

The easiest way to get a quote is to email us your document at along with the languages you need and the deadline. If you’re unsure about the most spoken languages in your city or province, we’re always happy to assist. Our team will respond to quotation requests within five minutes during business hours.