Medical Translation Services for South African Languages

Transcend language barriers with clear communication in the field of healthcare. iiTranslation ensures that crucial medical information can be delivered to every patient, participant, and community with clarity and cultural sensitivity.

Clinical Research Translators

Medical translations present a particular set of challenges for translators. We have experience working in partnership with this sector, particularly in research and development into HIV and TB treatment in South Africa and have built a core team of specialised medical translators for all 11 South African languages who are able to respond to these challenges. Our translators understand the intricacies of medical terminology and cultural contexts, ensuring accurate and accessible translations.

Successful communication is crucial in the medical sector: every day, health researchers and practitioners must deliver and receive complex information and sensitive patient data with clarity and accuracy across linguistic and cultural divides. Organisations researching new vaccines, drugs and procedures for fighting HIV and TB need to reach support staff, caregivers and patients in their home languages, to obtain informed consent or to explain medical procedures. With our medical translation services, you can be confident that your messages will be accurately translated and conveyed in the appropriate tone.

Medical translators must therefore be equipped with specialised knowledge of the medical field as well as an understanding of the social and cultural context of target communities. Our team of medical translators possess these skills, allowing us to provide accurate translations that are culturally appropriate for each region's communities.

User-friendly Translations

In this critical sector, translators must ensure that their translations are completely faithful to source texts, as well as ‘user-friendly’ and accessible to patients and participants who lack medical expertise. Incorrect language usage by those without specialist knowledge and experience, or who lack an understanding of the linguistic and cultural orientations of participants (even if they are qualified translators), can seriously reduce the efficacy of both medical research and practice. With our user-friendly translations, we ensure that all patients and participants can understand the medical information presented to them.

The challenge for any clinical research translation service is to identify and agree on the range of terms that facilitate both accurate and comprehensible translation from the source language into the target language. Informed consent forms, medical trial reports and other crucial materials used on the ground all need to work with widely accepted, internally consistent and easily comprehensible language to ensure successful research and treatment. Our team of medical translators is trained to identify and agree on these terms, ensuring accurate and easily understandable translations.

Our medical translation team are all specialists in their field, working within an internally consistent framework which is in line with accepted practice and regulatory guidelines. With our expertise, you can be confident that your medical translations are in safe hands, accurately translated and accessible to all target communities.

Empowering Healthcare: Accurate Translations in Every SA Language

By removing language barriers for South African site staff, participants and parents, patients are able to actively engage in their healthcare diagnosis and treatment. This allows them to ask informed questions and make confident choices.

Language Standard Translation
Medical ICF translations in South African languages
ICFs are regularly translated into Afrikaans and isiXhosa for sites and clinics in the Western Cape. .

Understanding leads to confident participation in the care process and follow-up visits, where stronger relationships are fostered between patients and providers. This paves the way for more effective care and a better appreciation of the benefits of treatment.

Connect with any part of South Africa in any of the official languages. Email us on: Copy to Clipboard (Let us know your site location and if you need any help identifying the most spoken languages in the region).

If possible, attach your document to your email and our team will get you a custom quote within five minutes during our business hours.


B4 Green Oaks, 13 St Quintons Rd, Oranjezicht, Cape Town, 8001 | Mon - Fri | 07:30 - 17:00
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